So why am I feeling frumpish and lumpish and slumpish?
I need help.
Enter Dr Jodi Larry. Jodi is a naturopath and food cleanse advocate. I like Jodi, and I like her work. She believes, and I agree, that a cleanse should be about minimizing, simplifying, purifying. Eating whole and healthful foods. Her cleanse for life program does not entail buckets of supplements, powders, shakes, fasting or juicing. Not that these things are inherently bad - just not what an effective and realistic cleanse should be.
For 10 days, I'll join a group of grumpy people (no coffee!) to scale things back a notch, break some bad habits, learn some new recipes and ways to be healthier.
We meet right before the July long weekend, and begin in earnest the Tuesday after. The Monday before, I'll be toasting L'Chaim (to life!) with a cold glass of chardonnay. L'Chaim! to breaking habits and L'Chaim! to ditching cravings. Also, we aren't allowed to drink wine on the cleanse. L'Chaim!
I'm anticipating that this will be a challenge, but I'm also anticipating feeling great and proud when it is done. Because being healthy is what I'm craving most right now.
Want to join? Our group is almost full, so act fast - contact me or Jodi today!
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